CONGRATULATIONS, the Phoenix Schϋtzengesellschaft has reached this great milestone. 50 years of Heritage, Tradition, Schießsport and Gemϋtlichkeit have been started, built and preserved. A heartfelt "Thank you" to our Founders, to all our past and present Schϋtzen Members, Schϋtzen Frauen and Families for their dedication, commitment and hard work bringing us to this point in time. Thank you to our Phoenix Club, their past and present Board members and all their great Groups for giving us the support and resources to do what we love to do. Thank you to all the Schϋtzen Groups from close by and far away for the many miles they traveled, supporting our Schϋtzenfests with their presence and great camaraderie. In this always changing World, our Group is standing strong and is proud to call this a place of home for us and for all new future members inspired by this cultural basis
Ein Herzliches und Stolzes GUT SCHUSS!
Heinz Wiechmann, Group Leader