The evening of June 5, 2022 was the annual Proklamation Dinner. After a nice dinner together, the results of the Königs-Schieβen were announced with Vivian Ringen having the best shot of the competition! No female has ever before earned the title of king in the Phoenix Schützengesellschaft. Congratulations Königin Vivian!!
Königin - Vivian Ringen
First Ritter - Kirsten Wurmnest
Second Ritter - Harold Wurmnest
Founding Member Trophy - Alistair Craig
Schützen Wander Pokal - Don Milek
Jubiläums Wander Pokal - Scott Klages
Helmbrecht Wander Pokal - Scott Klages
Freehand Trophy - Mark Delsman
The Skubacz Memorial - Heinz Wiechmann
Freehand Plakette - Kirstin Wurmnest
Kaiser Sigi Pokal - Scott Klages
Joe Selcho Wander Pokal - Mark Delsman
Baker Adler Pokal - Paul Smith
Pistol Plakette - Mark Delsman